P4 Uppland


Om P4 Uppland

P4 Uppland, also known as SR Uppland or Radio Uppland, is an online radio station based in the city of Uppsala, Sverige, som erbjuder en blandning av lokala nyheter, important societal issues, och underhållning. With its genre being rock, the station caters to those who enjoy listening to this type of music. The station is committed to investigative journalism, sportbevakning, and cultural reporting. P4 Uppland provides an excellent opportunity to discover new artists and bands within the rock genre while keeping up with current trends in music. With its vast collection of songs, listeners are sure to find something they love. This radio station also provides up-to-date news, väderprognoser, och trafikrapporter, ensuring residents stay informed about local events and conditions.

Mer information


Webbplats: www.sverigesradio.se/uppland

Språk: svenska

E-post: [email protected]

Kontaktnummer: +46 18 17 40 00

Adress: Bredgränd 7, Uppsala, Sverige

P4 Uppland